Workshops “Heritage of my City”
Awareness is the biggest step toward the goal of preservation, but it cannot be efficient if it doesn’t start from young ages, in schools and public spaces. Today, a large number of Moroccan students have no access to Art work and Architecture, only very few private schools get to organize extracurricular activities for their students and include very little knowledge. Public schools on the other hand have no budget at all to make any other extracurricular activities than sports.
تراث مدينتي – Heritage of My city, is a series of participatory workshops with Moroccan students in order to share some knowledge about art, architecture and history of the heritage in Morocco.
This project started as part of an ongoing project by MAMMA called “Casablanca Modern Map”. the maps include 50 of most valuable modern buildings in Casablanca. in parallel of the map making, we included in this project two workshops in 2 public schools where we shared the work of the map and also aware the students about the importance of preservation.
Two workshops took place at the school “Ibn Zaidoune” on the 19th October, 2018. The second workshop took place at the school “Ibn Al-Khatib” on the 27th March, 2019.